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Shepherds Care Ministries, Inc.
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Retreat Info
Held at The Shack Country Inn 2263 W 14th St., White Cloud, MI 49349, Phone 231-924-6683
Coming Retreats
Pastors Retreats June 26-30 2023 and October 9-13 2023
What is a Spiritual Retreat?
It is a strategic withdrawal from the "world" in order to be alone with God.
Why take a spiritual retreat?
Jesus is the model – He routinely took his disciples away or went away by himself. God often speaks in a still small voice – we need solitude to hear Him.
What can we expect?
Let God set the agenda – be expectant. Be ready for peaceful, quiet and beautiful surroundings with plenty of uninterrupted time. God always shows up – He is true to his promise.
Why is there a Shepherds Care Ministries?
It was God’s idea and He called Ernie Hautala to start a ministry to reach out to full- time Christian workers. He is calling others as well. Our society needs Christian pastors who are close to God – ministry often leads them away. Weariness makes leaders lose their courage – rest restores courage. Pastors and their spouses are often separated from each other because of ministry pressure
What is done on a spiritual retreat?
Follow one of the program guides or design your own. Disconnect from the world by observing a media fast. Get proper rest. Listen more than you speak. Listen through God’s Word and prayer. Listen through music or by just watching His creation. Listen through the books provided to help direct this type of retreat.
Why are they Free?
This concept is fairly new to the protestant church in America. Many churches do not provide the time away or the money for a pastor couple to go on a retreat. Just as salvation is a free gift and evidence of God’s love, so these retreats are free so that pastor couples have more tangible evidence of His love for them.
Retreat dates for 2023
June 26-30 2023 and October 9-13 2023
Contact Information
Shepherd Care Ministries
Rev. Bob Pycraft - Executive Director
1765 Pinewood knoll
Kentwood, Michigan 49508
Cell 616-318-8972
Phil Jones - Board Chairman
Cell - 231-519 - 4510
Office - 231-689-0611
Shepherds Care Ministries, Inc
P.O. Box 2673
Midland, Mi. 48641
Check us out on Facebook at
Shepherds Care Ministry
Shepherds Care Ministries, Inc is a 501 (c) 3
nonprofit ministry. Donations are tax deductible.
If you would like to support us financially or with
prayer, please contact us so we can add you to our mailing list.
Broad Of Directors
Bob & Bette Pycraft
Executive Director
Shepherds Care Ministries
Bob and Bette graduated from Cedarville. He has served as Youth Pastor and Awana Missionary over the past 50 years. They have 3 children and 9 grand children. Bob & Bette have been married and in the ministry for the past 50 years.
John Smith
Bible Baptist
North Adams
John has been the Pastor at the Bible Baptist Church in North Adams since 2017. John and Shirley have been married 40 years. They have been blessed with 2 married children and 4 grand children.
Dwight Hostetler
Vice Chairman
Word of Life Missionaries
Ken Ford
Alton Bible
Dwight and his wife Cindy are Word of Life Missionaries in southern parts of Africa, teaching in a bible college and developing Pastor for more effective ministry.
Ken has served as Pastor of Alton Bible Church in Lowell since 1996. ken holds a BA from Cornerstone University and a Masters Degree from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. Ken and his wife Shantell have been blessed with 7 children.
Mike Schutter
Member of the Alpine
Baptist Church
Wayne Anderson
Web Manager
Member of the Family Baptist
Mike has attended the Alpine Baptist Church for 41 years. He served on the deacon board, church treasurer for 10 years, and Awana commander for 12 years. He and his wife Lori live in Comstock Park.They have two married sons and 5 granddaughters. Both he and Lori are looking forward to retirement in the few months. Go Blue!
Bill Wetzel
Hastings Baptist Church
Missionary with Child Evangelism Fellowship for 40 years. Since retirement I'm an Elder at Hastings Baptist church and a Gideon member.
Dallas Berry is pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Ft. Gratiot, Michigan. He and his wife Cheryl have been involved in ministry for over 43. God has blessed Dallas and Cheryl with six children and seventeen grandchildren. Their oldest daughter, Annaka, went home to be with the Lord in 2000 as a result of an automobile accident. Dallas graduated from Mission University (formerly Baptist Bible College) in Springfield, Missouri. He enjoys reading, especially anything by A.W. Tozer and Louis L'amour, the one for spiritual growth and the other for mental entertainment. He likes golf, riding motorcycles, working outside and listening to various podcasts. He is also excited about Shepherd's Care Ministries and encouraging pastors.
Wayne has worked in the grocery industry since 1966. He was an account manager for Nestle USA till 2002 when he retired. He has been a life-long member of the Tuscola Community Church where he has served as youth group leader and a board member. Wayne and Kim have two daughters, one granddaughter, and one grandson.
Randy Jenkins
Board of Reference
Interim Pastor Ministries
Randy attended the Moody Bible Institute and graduated from the Tri-State Bible College. He also obtained a Master of Divinity Degree from Grace Theological Seminary. Randy and his wife LaFon have two grown children.
"Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." Mark 6:31