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Shepherds Care Ministries

Newsletter from Bob & Bette Pycraft

Mark 6:31

How to Pray for your Church and Pastor

Taken from the book Pastors are People Too

Day 1

Pray for your pastor’s work- to strengthen the weak, heal the sick, and bind up the injured. Ez. 34:4 Pray for his care and outreach, searching out the lost and bringing back the stray. Pray for diligence to care for the flock


Day 2

Pray for your pastor’s reliance on God for help in caring for those who belong to God. Pray for tenderness and that he would care for all.


Day 3

Pray for his awe for God and love for sinful people Rom. 5:8

Pray for your pastor’s hunger for God and God’s word. Isa. 26:8 Pray for your pastor’s joy Jn. 7:37


Day 4

Pray for your pastor’s renewal, that God’s grace would be sufficient and His Word would be fresh- Ps. 19:7 Pray for his contentment, for deliverance from coveting what belongs to others. Pray for a repentant heart 1 Jn. 1:9


Day 5

Pray for his holiness, no self- satisfaction apart from Christ. Phil 3:9

Ask also for his wholeness, grace to be holy, kind, gentle, pure and peaceable. James 3:17

Pray for your pastor’s honesty, to reject deceptive ways and state the truth plainly.2 Cor. 4:2

Pray for your pastor’s growth, that he would contemplate the Lord’s glory to become more like Christ. 2 Cor. 3:18


Day 6

Pray for people to help your pastor, for men like Aaron and Hur who helped Moses pray. Ex 17:12 Pray for friends for your pastor, for those who will listen, pray, and even confront in love. Prov. 17:17


Day 7

Pray for coworkers for your pastor, to share in such an important and daunting task. Num. 11

Pray for a mentor for your pastor, for one who will share his life as well as ministry. 1 Thess. 2:8 Pray for a counselor who knows his heart and how to walk with God. Prov. 11:14 Ask God to provide those who will encourage to press on and not give up Gal 6:9

Day 8

Pray for your pastors vision, for your church, city Jer. 29:7 Pray that your pastor recognizes common grace, that God sends rain on both the just and the unjust. Mt. 5:45 Pray that your pastor rejoices in special grace, that his heart is aligned with all in heaven who party when a sinner repents. Luke 15:10


Day 9

Pray for your pastors concern for the lost, for a burden regarding their status before God. Mt. 25:46 Pray for his Zeal for the lost Rom. 10:1 Pray for his evangelism, for holding out the word of life. Phil. 2:16 That he would not be ashamed of the gospel, but speak boldly Eph. 6:20


Day 10

Pray for your pastor’s daily walk with Jesus, to hear, know and follow the Good Shepherd. John 10:4 As he walks with Jesus he would bear much fruit, for pruning by the Word to make him more fruitful john 15:2 Ask that your pastor remain thankful always, seeing the Lords hand in all things Eph. 5:20 Pray that your pastor would find great joy and comfort in Jesus and not themselves or their work. Gal 2:16


Day 11

Pray for his priorities, first things first by focusing on prayer and ministering the Word. Acts 6:4 Pray that his prayer be genuine. Mt 6:5 Pray that your pastor be diligent in prayer and not give up. Luke 18:1


Day 12

Pray that out of His glorious riches, God would strengthen your pastor thru the Holy Spirit. John 14:16-17 Ask that God would dwell in your pastors heart through faith and that he would be rooted in the love of Christ and have power to know more. Hosea 6:3 Pray that your pastor would not be alone but with all the saints, would grasp the love of Christ and be filled with the fullness of God. Eph. 6:13-19


Day 13

Pray that your pastor’s marriage be strong, vibrant and reflect Christ’s love for the church. Eph. 5:25 Pray for your pastor and spouse would cultivate their marriage and cherish their partnership in life. Gen 2:25 Pray for open communication in their marriage. Eph. 5:25-32


Day 14

Pray that your pastor guard their time and energy so they can serve their family well. 1 Cor. 7:28 Pray that they seek God’s protection and blessing. Job 1:5 Pray your pastor’s family would not feel cheated by ministry but support their calling. Amos 3:3

Pray today that your pastor and family take a spiritual retreat, a time to rest not related to work at least once a year. Mark 6:31 Ask the Lord how you might be a part of making that happen.


Day 15

Pray that your pastor maintain a reasonable schedule, working hard for Christ and other. Prov. 6:6 Pray that your pastor’s work routine would honor God and be right for them and their ministry Ecc. 2:24 Pray that your pastor be physically healthy not mastered by food or drink. 1 Tim. 4:8 Pray for your pastor’s purity, that God help keep them from pornography and other sexual sin. Phil. 4:8-9


Day 16

Pray for the Lord to purify your pastor’s will by clear and consistent application of the Word. Ps. 26:2 Pray that your pastor would begin each day connecting with God, strengthened by the scripture and prayer 5:3 Pray that he would connect with God, repenting of his sin and clinging to Jesus. 3:5 Pray that your pastor would live each day connected to God in the joy of acceptance by our heavenly Father Rom. 5:1-2


Day 17

Pray that your pastor’s circle of friends, for close friends inside the church and outside. Prov. 15:22 Pray that your pastor join with a group of pastors in the community who pray for one another. Gal. 6:2 Pray for your pastors professional growth, for the right gatherings for learning and fellowship. Prov. 22:29 Pray for your pastors sense of humor, for laughing easily at themselves and with others Rom. 12:3


Day 18

Pray for your pastor’s vison of ministry. Ask for focus on equipping others to serve Eph. 4:12 Pray for your pastors goal of ministry, to make known the manifold wisdom of God. Eph. 3:10 pray your pastor’s vision and goals be prompted solely by the Holy Spirit and shape the mission and core values of the church. 1 Cor. 14


Day 19

Pray that your pastor networks and gathers others to become partners in the ministry. 1 Cor. 12 Pray that your pastor values volunteers, that he equips and entrusts them with significant responsibilities 1 Cor. 12:14 Eph. 4:11 Pray that your pastor would cooperate appropriately with other churches and ministries. Mark 9:40 Pray that your pastor would rejoice when kingdom –minded churches and ministries do well. Rom. 12:15


Day 20

Pray for your pastor’s preaching, that the Spirit use it to soften hearts and draw many to God. Heb. 3:15 Pray that your pastor’s preaching, that God use it to equip people for every good work. 2 Tim. 3:17 Pray as your pastor preaches all who hear will be strengthened in their faith. Col. 2:7


Day 21

Pray that your pastor grows in faith and repentance as he prepares and preaches. Acts 20:20-21 Pray that your pastor’s preaching demolishes arguments and capture thoughts for Christ. 2 Cor. 10:4-5 Pray that in your pastor’s preaching, life and words match and that both set forth the truth. 2 Cor. 4:2


Day 22

Pray for your pastor’s leadership, that he would lead diligently and that others would recognize their calling, gifts, and skills (Rom. 12:8) Pray that your pastors leadership and life be exemplary, in speech, love, faith, and purity (1 Tim. 4:12) Pray that your pastor would be creative and innovative and be known as a problem solver Prov. 21:5, and that your pastor’s leadership include wise and tempered counsel when considering change 19:2.


Day 23

Pray for your pastor’s life management, for appropriate and godly response to the unexpected Prov. 1:3; and for wisdom to prioritize and accomplish many tasks Eph. 5:16, and for physical, emotional, and spiritual health 1 Tim. 4:8. Pray that your pastor understands God’s call to and from their church and for knowing their own seasons of life and ministry Ecc. 3:1


Day 24

Pray for humility for your pastor, for a graceful approach in serving others Prov. 3:34. Pray for courage for your pastor, for a strong heart in the midst of conflict Joshua 1:8,9. Pray for a teachable spirit for your pastor, for a deep desire to learn from God Ex. 33:13. Pray for servant’s heart, for eagerness to care for the sheep 1 Pet. 5:2. Pray for power for you pastor, that the Holy Spirit would enable him to be God’s witness Acts 1:8


Day 25

Pray for purity for your pastor, for protection against virtual and physical sin Matt. 5:28. Pray for rest for your pastor, for freedom from bondage of overwork Mt. 11:28-30. Pray for diligence for your pastor. Pray for a balance of grace and hard work 1 Cor. 15:10. Pray for the authority of your pastor, for neither excess nor neglect, but joy Heb. 13:17


Day 26

Pray for understanding for your pastor, for the correct words to make Christ known. Pray for boldness and clarity, that Jesus is the focus of every sermon. Pray for your pastor’s effectiveness and fruitfulness, that deep needs be met and lives be changed when they speak. Eph. 6:19


Day 27

Pray that your pastor be kept from unhealthy ambition, especially the numbers trap John 12:43. Pray that your pastor be protected from both gossip and negative criticism prov. 11:13. Ask that your pastor be kept from false expectations and undue burdens Heb. 13:17. Pray for freedom from strife, dissension, and weariness Gal. 6:9


Day 28

Pray for your pastor’s time, for guarding against unnecessary conversations. Pray for your pastor’s energy, for freedom from late meetings and too many commitments. Pray for your pastor’s resolve, for guarding from stress, fatigue and busyness Eph. 5:16. Pray for faithfulness for your pastor, for freedom from compulsions or addictions 1 Pet. 5:8



Day 29

Pray today for confidence for your pastor, for memory that security and hope are in Jesus alone Rom. 8:1. Pray for your pastor’s mind, for guarding against futile thinking and vain ambition Eph. 4:17. Pray for your pastor’s thinking, that every thought be captive to obey Christ 2 Cor. 10:4-5


Day 30

Pray for your pastor’s health and well being- for healing from grief caused by ministry. Pray for your pastor’s joy, for a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair Isa. 61:1-3. Pray for your pastor’s rest and renewal, for rest of the soul and joy of spirit in the yoke of Jesus Matt. 11:29, and for pleasure in the grace that is new every morning Lam. 3:23.


Day 31

Pray for the scope of your pastor’s work, in teaching and helping the weak and the poor, for no hesitation to teach anything that would be helpful, for service in public settings and from house to house. Pray for your pastor’s clarity, that all must turn to God in repentance and faith in Jesus, and pray for your pastor’s resolve, to finish the race and complete the task Jesus has given him Acts 20:20-32.


Contact information: Rev. Bob Pycraft  

 cell 616-318-8972

Send donations to: Bob Pycraft, Shepherds Care Ministries,   

310 Chasseral ct

Comstockpark, MI 49321

                  "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." Mark 6:31


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